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Sites Sold for Public Land for Housing - Feb 2017

Public Land for Housing is a dataset that contains some basic information about sites in England, previously owned by Government departments, that have been declared surplus and sold for housing development. Datadaptive ( extracted the site records from a report published by the Department for Communities and Local Government, and geocoded the postcode location of each site. The data is re-usable under the terms of the Open Government Licence. A blog-post about this data is available at and the source of the data along with documentation can be found at Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. The data has been imported into DataDock using the ID assigned by Datadaptive (PLHID) as the resource identifier PLHID: ID assigned by Datadaptive based on sequence in DCLG report table DEPT: Department that disposed of the land SITENAME: Site name POSTCODE: Site postcode LANAME: Local authority FCHOUCAP: Forecast housing capacity PLNSTATDIS: Planning status at disposal DISPYEAR: Disposal year NOTES: Notes from DCLG report table LAT: Decimal latitude of postcode centroid LNG: Decimal longitude of postcode centroid